Synaptic wiring of hippocampal circuits
How does synaptic plasticity affect synaptic connectivity? We are trying to answer this question by following individual functionally identified Schaffer collateral synapses in time. By controlling plasticity and circuit activity in slice cultures we test how synaptic function and synaptic stability are changed. See also DFG research unit 2419
Schaffer collateral synapses and hippocampal circuits in vivoOne of our central goals is to understand if and how memory traces - or engrams - can be encoded and stored in synaptic networks. To address this goal, we image identified synapses that are associated with a specific memory in the hippocampus of living mice. This project is supported by an ERC Starting Grant
Development of optogenetic tools
Improved optogenetic tools are required for the precise manipulation of neuronal circuits. Especially neuronal silencing needs to become more efficient. In collaboration with the lab of Peter Hegemann, I develop novel light-gated anion channels and apply them in neurons and neuronal circuits. See also DFG priority program 1926